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Strategic Claims Direction (SCD) is a claims consulting firm which works with companies, insurers, risk pools, public entities, and third party administrators to improve claims management procedures and performance. Our goal is to work with you to responsibly manage your claims by improving efficiency and effectiveness to reduce claims costs and expenses. We can help in a variety of ways, depending upon your most critical needs.
We are not sure our TPA, insurer, or self-administered claims program are managing claims as they should. How can we find out?
Our claims costs keep going up even though our employee count is down OR our incident count is down OR we have done a lot to improve our claims and safety program. We are not sure why this is the case. Can you help us?
SCD can perform a cost-effective claims audit of a sample of claims to objectively measure claims performance against leading industry practices and your company's specific performance requirements. We will then provide you with recommendations for improvement where it is needed. In many cases we can perform this through on-line access to the claims system, eliminating travel expenses.
SCD can review the claims reserving processes and procedures to determine if they are reasonable and are being followed. We will also prepare independent assessments of the case reserves for a sample of claims. If needed, we can provide this information to your casualty actuary.
SCD will prepare a needs assessment based on your company and its specific needs. We will then develop performance requirements, help create the Request for Proposal (RFP), and assist you through the selection process. We can also help you through the implementation or transition process if needed.
SCD can perform a claims process efficiency assessment to compare your processes and procedures with those recognized as using leading industry practices. We will identify processes to retain as well as identify redundant or unnecessary steps that should be eliminated or revised. We can also help you evaluate the roles and responsibilities of your claims personnel and determine if certain functions or responsibilities should be delegated or assigned to others.
Based on our assessment of your program, we will provide you with priorities, recommendations, and a roadmap to improve your claims program.